Sunday, August 7, 2011

Sock Bun!

For my very first post on my brand new blog, I thought I'd put something up that I was so super excited to find!

Ok, my super creative and crafty neighbor, posted this amazing hair curling trick on her blog. I was super excited to try it I did.

First, watch this will teach you the awesome-ness. are the results of my very first attempt at the sock bun:

Sorry the picture isn't super you have any idea how hard it is to take a picture of the back of your head??

I loved the results I got! So, I'm the kind of person that has to wash my hair daily...or it gets too greasy looking. But, I found that if I wash my hair just before I go to bed and do the sock bun, it doesn't get bad...especially if I use this AMAZING product that I found!

It's Suave Dry Shampoo! You just spray the roots of your hair when they are getting a little oily...and VIOLA! Your hair looks all fresh! And it smells AMAZING! I love this little gem! It's found by the professional hair products in my Walmart.

So. Back to the sock bun. It's difficult to do with long hair and hair that has layers. So, last night I tried a different way to do it. I did two buns on top of my head (Yup...Princess Leia style...). It helps to put the buns in while your head is still upside down. I also brushed my hair out after I sprayed it down with water. After that, I used a bit of my Argan Oil hair keep it smooth looking and not ratty. I really believed this helped! 

This is my FAVORITE brand of Argan Oil. But, I haven't been able to find it locally (so if you know where to get it, give me the scoop!) I have a brand that I like just fine though. 

So, here is my 3rd attempt at a sock bun, first attempt at the Princess Leia Method:

I love the way it turned out! Much smoother looking and better curls. The Princess Leia Method is a great way to go for those with thicker hair. 

Again...I'm so glad that my friend introduced this to cuts a good half hour out of my morning routine! And that's fabulous when you wake up at 4 am to go to work! :) 


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